
Watch Yourself: A Devotional for Christian Grandparents

Written by Deb del Villar, Director of Communications

As we start off another new year, may we keep a close watch on how we are growing in Christ. It’s easier to watch what our adult children or grandchildren are doing, but Deuteronomy 4:9a tells us that we must first watch ourselves!

Larry Fowler, the founder of Legacy Coalition, shares that this is part of our multigenerational responsibility as Christian grandparents.

Our words, actions, and attitudes will convey what we believe. Little and big grandchildren alike are observing and recording what they see, hear, and feel. May we stay true to what is right for the sake of our own salvation as well as those watchful eyes and ears around us. [1 Timothy 4:16]

Below is a short devotional to encourage and help you start this new year that is full of promise. Let’s look at 1 Timothy 4:16 in the context of watching ourselves. It is a great principle to build godly influence as you connect relationally with your grandchildren.


The context of this verse is Paul’s admonition to Timothy about his private life and public ministry. It is very important to keep watch on both. It is a huge responsibility. Paul encourages Timothy to examine his own life. 

Take time to read this verse in several translations. This is a great way to understand it better.


God alone is The One who saves, yet you can be God’s instrument to bring about the salvation of your grandchildren.

Your life speaks loudly to your grandchildren – what is it saying? They are looking to you both in your private life as well as your public one. Are you the same at home and in the community? Is your life sending a message that God is good and in control, that He is faithful and can be trusted? Is it leading your grandchildren toward or away from Christ?

Remember that while salvation occurs in the moment of belief, our spiritual life is a process of being conformed to the likeness of Christ. Scripture calls us to persevere in our faith, in other words, to continue to live according to sound doctrine. The spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship will help you persevere in your walk. 

Be cautious not to fall into false teachings. In today’s culture, false teaching abounds, and your grandchildren need to know what is true and right. As you stay true to God’s Word, God may allow you the opportunity to rescue your grandchildren from the doctrinal errors that surround them. Be ready and able to share why you believe in the truth of the Bible.


1. Keep a close watch on yourself.

Take some time to examine yourself. Assess where you are spiritually and where you hope to grow and go this year. Is your life built on knowing, teaching, and practicing God’s Word?

How can you be on constant guard against falling into sin?

What are those areas that cause you the biggest problem? 

What safeguards can you put into place?

How can you guard yourself against false teachings?

2. Continue learning about God through the teaching of His Word.

Check what you believe and are teaching against what God’s Word says. Continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Word. This is the greatest safeguard against false teaching – know what the Bible says.

What scriptures are you going to study this year or memorize?

How are you going to grow spiritually this year? Any goals?

How will you share what God teaches you this year with your grandchildren?

3. Don’t quit!

One of the ways we look at scripture with our grandkids is to ponder the passage using the above method of observing the text, interpreting it, and then applying it personally. Next, we have them pray the scripture by using the words in the passage. Those who like to draw, also picture it in their journals.

Depending on the age of your grandchildren, this process of ponder, pray, and picture may work for you. Whether you are reading a children’s Bible to the littles or discussing doctrine with the oldest, find a way to share God’s Word together this year.

First and most importantly, is that you are studying and growing in the WORD. From your overflow, you will live out the Word for them to see, hear, and feel.

Our prayer for you:

Lord, may you keep a close watch on how the grandparents live and teach. May they stay true to what is right for the sake of their own salvation as well as the salvation of their families. May they watch closely the example they are leaving. Amen.

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