
Prayers of a Grandfather

Written by Harvey Eng

Editor’s Note: Prayer is such a powerful privilege we have as Christians. The Most High God encourages us to come boldly to His throne of grace. Yet how many of us (if we were truthful) avail ourselves of this tremendous opportunity? It has been said that prayer is the will of God and the love of man meeting up to accomplish much!

Maybe you feel unsure how to pray. Harvey Eng is passionate about prayer, so read some examples below from him. May it give you some ideas and may God bless your times of prayer!

1. Prayers from Daniel

Daniel is a wonderful example of a humble praying man. Read Daniel 9:3-19 as one example. His prayers spoke about God’s Character against the backdrop of man’s need for confession and repentance. Daniel expressed his agreement with God for the discipline the nation was experiencing while pleading for God to show mercy and grace.

We as grandparents need to have a similar focus as we pray. Let’s join with Daniel in praying:

“O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolations, and the city that is called by your name. For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.” – Daniel 9:18-19

2. Prayer Based on Psalm 97

“Our infinite God and Father,

You are eternal, without beginning and without end. Your greatness is seen in the creation of the universe and Earth. We hear the thunder and see the mountains, the fire, and the lightning.

We admit our sin of omission by neglecting to declare of Your greatness to others. We have not been faithful to mention Your greatness to our children and children’s children. Instead, we advise them how to receive accolades for achievement.

As we recall of Your protection, we humbly thank You. As You have delivered us from evil, we thank you. We remember Your name! You are infinite, eternal, and great.

Would You provide opportunities to share Your greatness with others, especially our children’s children? Give us the boldness to testify of Your greatness in our lives.

In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.”

3. Prayer Based on Deuteronomy 4:

“O Lord,

In spite of Israel’s disobedience and doubts, You allowed Israel’s entrance to the Promised Land. In spite of David’s sin, You gave him a second chance in life. The examples of Your wondrous grace are evident in the Scriptures.

May Your grace also be upon grandparents. Extend their years so they can see the growth of their grandchildren. Expand the sharing of stories to include You in their faith’s journey. Enlarge and transform their habits to become like Jesus during the difficult times of health issues and lack of patience, especially as they engage in unfamiliar activities like camping or hosting a tea party!

May the celebration of Your grace be overflowing from their hearts and lips, testifying of Your faithfulness and goodness in the presence of their children and grandchildren. Magnify Yourself, O God, in and through the lives of our grandparents. May they be conduits of Your grace and love for we pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

4. Prayer Based on Isaiah 55:8-9

“Omniscient God, You alone are righteous and mighty!

We are guilty and ashamed of favoring the compliant and beautiful children and grandchildren while failing to be gracious with those who have disabilities. We have wronged You when we angrily blame You for the uncomfortable behavior and thoughts we experience, questioning Your goodness and fairness. We’ve become cold, callous, and indifferent to the weary parents and grandparents of these children, completely forgetting Your agape love and longsuffering toward us.

Clothe us with humility and kindness to bless the families of these children and grandchildren with special needs in the name of Jesus. Allow Your strength, patience, and grace to fill us for You are our Strength; You are longsuffering; Your grace is sufficient. As we are unable to grasp Your thoughts, may we have the mind of Christ to understand Your plan.

How will You lead us to minister to the needs of the families with children with special needs? How may we be stewarding the opportunities to use the spiritual gifts to serve others at church or in their households to glorify Your Name? Lead on, O King Eternal. In the matchless name of Jesus, our Redeemer, we pray,  Amen.”

5. Prayer Based on Colossians 1:19 and Ephesians 3:-21

“O Eternal God, Your attributes, character, love, perfection, holiness, and power are in Jesus. Your greatness overwhelms my view of who You are. Worthy are You to receive honor and glory.

I confess my sin of not seeing You as the omnipotent God. I have failed to recognize Your works and interventions in my daily life. How can I deny Your goodness and faithfulness, Your mercy and grace? Forgive me for being shortsighted and lacking faith to expect great and wondrous deeds beyond my asking or imagination. I’m sorry for my lack of faith in You.

Thank You for doing above all the good things we experienced when asking for Your blessings upon the development of our grandchildren, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We are grateful for Your presence and protection of our grandkids which are beyond our comprehension.

Therefore, direct our steps so we will not be a hindrance to Your workings in their lives, especially through the growing pains. Guard our lips from comparisons and judgment when our grandchildren do not meet our expectations. Instead, may we continually bless them in Your Name. May our lives testify of Your faithfulness and patience. May our grandchildren increase their delight in Your law and desire a close relationship with You. Walk with them in their journey of faith that they too will exclaim of Your immeasurable acts beyond what they ask or imagine.

You are El Chay, the Living God (Psalm 84:2). The little gods, the idols of entertainment, enticements, and financial fortune, are not worthy of worship. They are not powerful as You for You alone transcend culture and time. May our grandchildren choose You over society’s idols as we pray in the matchless name of Jesus, Amen.”


Grandparents, this is a call to pray for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren like never before. Like Daniel, our children and grandchildren are growing up in an ungodly culture and time. We need to cover them in prayer while also confessing our sins and seeking to live authentic intentional Christian lives before them.

I pray that this article gave you some ideas to get started. May God bless your prayers!

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