
My Journey as a Grandparent at Prayer

Written by Terri Sherrow, Prayer Ministry Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network

I was at a crossroads in my prayer life. While I prayed daily, my prayers were repetitious and too vague, especially for my grandson.

In February 2017, my prayer was literally, “Well, here I am again, Lord, praying the same thing I did yesterday and the same thing I will do tomorrow. Please keep Tyler safe, bless him, and help him to see you. Amen.”

I knew I had to do something. I needed to be bolder, and I needed to be specific. I needed to be an intercessor through the Holy Spirit for my grandson. I felt God deserved more from me and so did Tyler. I just had to figure out “how.”

God Speaks

That same day I read an online devotion titled “Four Incredible Reasons to Pray for Our Grandchildren Daily” by Lillian Penner. I felt a voice in my ear whisper “This is it.” I knew what I was supposed to do! I had to use the scriptures, God’s Word, to guide me in prayer.

I Respond

To begin, I read Ephesians 6. I knew I would need the Armor of God to protect me because I was going strong and bold. I then chose two of my favorite verses to get me started. Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still, and know that I am God…”. I prayed I would be quiet and listen for God’s direction. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” I prayed for the Holy Spirit to awaken me spiritually.

Pray Scripture

I was now on a mission to learn to pray Scripture. Not knowing exactly how to do this, I searched the internet for some ideas. If I had a little start, I would be able to put it all together. In my search, I found much more than I was hoping for in Christian Grandparenting Network and Grandparents @ Prayer.

With the resources, advice, tips, and encouragement I received from Christian Grandparenting Network, I began to understand God’s role for me as a grandparent. As a result, I began to pray intentionally for my grandson.

Praying the scriptures has been a life-changing experience for me. When I pray according to God’s Word now, I know I am in line with His will, which enables me to pray with power and wisdom. By praying God’s will, I am more in tune to see answers to prayers. And because He is faithful, I can rest in His peace while I wait for His answers.

Pray Regularly, Faithfully, Intentionally, and Specifically

I am still learning and growing as I stand in the gap for my grandson. There is no greater gift I can give him than the legacy of prayer. Not only is he blessed, but I too am blessed as I pray regularly, faithfully, intentionally, and specifically.

My goal, on behalf of my grandson, is that of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians. In Colossians 1:10, Paul states the purpose of his prayers is “so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.”

As I bear fruit in my prayer life and grow in the knowledge of God, my grandson bears fruit through God’s answers to my prayers.

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